Converting a JSON array to a bash array

Bash is the most common language of DevOps because you can guarantee that it’s installed on a server.

Bash is not pretty. It’s not an elegant language. It’s better than, like, C, but it’s still awkward and clunky.

Anyway, I love bash, so that’s enough of that.

One of the (great many) things that bash is persnickety about is list format:

  • A JSON array looks like this: [ 1, 'Thing 2', 3 ]
  • A bash array looks like this: ( 1 'Thing 2' 3 )

The problem

The problem is twofold:

  1. A great many APIs return output in JSON format, but bash has no way to loop through it.
  2. Languages that can parse JSON format easily don’t always have library support for whatever it is you’re interacting with. (In my case, I had to revert to bash because GCP is still catching up to AWS in the “API support” race.)

The solution: bash/sed string manipulation

Below, I run a gcloud command and use JQ to grab an array from its JSON output, then do a little sed/regex magic and convert it to proper bash format:

# using gcloud output as a source because why not use the hardest shit possible

bork=$(gcloud --project=<project-id> container images list-tags<project-id>/<image-name>  --filter='tags:DEPLOYED' --format=json | jq '.[0].tags')

echo $bork
[ "260", "61a1d7aef75421f5c209c42304716ba44e86ab7a", "DEPLOYED.2019-11-12T17.04.37.772145800Z", "DEPLOYED.2019-11-13T00.00.29.525908800Z" ]
# ^ output is obviously not a bash array

# strip out all the things you don't want - square brackets and commas
borkstring=$(echo $bork | sed -e 's/\[ //g' -e 's/\ ]//g' -e 's/\,//g')
arr=( $borkstring )
echo $arr
( "260" "61a1d7aef75421f5c209c42304716ba44e86ab7a" "DEPLOYED.2019-11-12T17.04.37.772145800Z" "DEPLOYED.2019-11-13T00.00.29.525908800Z" )
# ^ now THAT is a bash array

Parsing your new bash array

Cool. You’ve got your bash array. Now what? Loop through it.

Here I’m just using echo inside this loop, but ultimately I used this loop to add tags to a copy of this container image that I stuck in another project. The story behind that decision is long and boring.

# loop through that lil bebe
for i in ${arr[@]}; do
    # add a little native bash quote-stripping in there; without it,
    # all your array elements will be wrapped in quotes.
    echo ${i//\"}

The Output
